About (2024 version)

I still remember the very first gift I’d received. It was book and it was from my (maternal) grandpa. I was too young to read or even know what books were, but I felt fascinated nevertheless, and what’s interesting to me still, is that I remember this so vividly.

I was so young I didn’t even know what was my name, how old I was, or even what I was. Like all children, I was instinctively behaving without knowing why (children develop reasoning skills after 6). All I knew was that it ‘felt good’ to have a colorful book in my hand. I would leaf through the book and savor each moment with the eagerness of a maximally curious child, as if I had a presentiment it wouldn’t last.

My grandpa was my best friend, my parent figure, my role model, and extremely kind to me. He was a well-read, polyglot polymath, a man of words and war (was in army), an authentic human being. He once told my dear mother: ’this boy of yours is no common boy; I’ve seen children but not like this one. He is too intelligent.’

My mother would often tell me this, taking pride in my grandpa’s assessment of me. This was the reason, I think, that I breezed through school like it was nothing, acing my way to graduation without even breaking a mental sweat. Or perhaps grandpa was right. Perhaps I was special. It’s hard to be objective about ourselves…

Regardless, in later years, somehow I and the people of this world, the people aroundd me, we just coudln’t get along. I am becoming surer as to why this is the case, but I don’t care anymore, since I realize, this is, as it ought to be.

I am a neuro-divergent person, a left-handed empath, an “ADHD”, and an a friend of animals. Consequently, if anyone, for instance, is cruel to animals, it’s over between us–that person will never be my friend, nor will I consider them with anything but the deepest disdain.

This doesn’t mean I am anti-social or an ‘introvert’ or some other useless Platonic categorization by naive quacks professing to practice a psychology based on Fisher’s frequentist statistics and an intellectual naivette bordering on idiocy.

It simply means: along the lines of Gestalt school, I am an authentic person. I have my likes, my dislikes, and I am very certain about my choices (they have not been chosen for me.).

And this site is a sort of documentation to some ideas incubating in my mind. There are ideas here spanning programming, philosophy, Islam, mathematics, art, literature, cooking, animals, poetry, films, essays and more.

About (2023 version)

This is my digital cave.

About (2022 version)

Beyond childhood, youth, and the associated tribulations, I divide my life so far into three periods. The golden period, the dreamy period, and the period of reality.

In the golden period, which lasted nearly 15 years, I was a professor of mathematics, social and natural sciences at several universities in East Asia.

In the dreamy period, I stopped teaching and entered the land of programming. The teacher and the programmer are still a part of me, even though I have entered the stage of reality. In this stage, I strive to have the color of colorlessness.

I write so I can think better.