Where Evil Resides


Clifford Simak

(BR: Book Review)

Recently managed to go through Simak’s fantasy title: Where Evil Resides, which made me wonder why a writer like Simak became famous in the first place? But again I see morons like Updike and it doesn’t surprise me: not all readers are intelligent enough to know what they should be reading.

Simak is nothing special. The story is flat, the characteras uni-dimensional. The allegorical context-play is shoddy and confusing, and it seems he winged it as he wrote along.

One finds it hard to develop sympathy for any of the characters, and the the way the main protagonist treats the troll is heart-breaking and probably a psychological projection of the author’s own Mr. Hyde.

There is nothing to learn and the entertainment was not entertaining at all. I won’t be reading any more Simak books.