I finally got round to watching Eight Below Zero. And I’m glad I did.

This here is a movie unlike much of the recent garbage coming out of Hollywood. For starters, there is no profanity and no obscenities; the female lead is decently dressed, and there is no anti-religious agenda pushed through the movie. The movie is artless and pure, like the the huskies featuring in it.

Paul Walker (rest in peace, brother) brings his superb and realistic acting skills to the screen and it is clear that Walker is a dog-person and his affection for the huskies is real and unpretentious. Although he’s acting, the feelings he is showing for his dog friends is real.

The movie is more about dogs than humans, but it also caters to the dog-owners’ love for dogs. Walker’s relentless drive to save the dogs he promised to save is very similar to the feelings I’ve had when I had to save XH and 77 in a village, in 2021.

Very good movie, and quite realistic.